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If you’re looking to buy your next home, downsizing might be the way to go. After all, sometimes less is more and it could work wonders for your finances!

In this article, we explore some of the benefits of downsizing – from cutting back on maintenance and energy costs, to having more money in your pocket to invest.

More funds to invest

Downsizing allows you to unlock the equity in your current home to use for investment purposes. If you are lucky, you may be at a point where you’ll be able to pay off your new home with cash, then use any leftover funds to expand your property portfolio and start generating income from an investment property. You could also use the money on a new car or other lifestyle pursuits. If you’re interested in investing in property, just give us a call, we can help you in many different ways.

Fewer expenses

Downsizing can drastically reduce your expenses, from cutting your mortgage repayments, to slashing your living costs. Energy is one area you are likely to notice real savings when you move to a smaller property. What’s more, downsizing may encourage you to stop blowing money on furniture, appliances, electronics and “stuff” you don’t actually need. It will also encourage you to get rid of unnecessary clutter – there’s only so much you can squeeze into a smaller home, after all.

Lifestyle benefits

Looking for a sea change or a tree change? Downsizing could provide a great opportunity for you to live in a more desirable location, in housing that is more suitable for your needs. There are many great locations to consider – from the coast to the hills, you can find great value properties in communities where you can indulge your personal interests. Sailing, hiking, exciting adventures in your caravan – you name it! If you’re ready to retire, an empty-nester, or are recently single, downsizing could be the fantastic new chapter you’ve been looking for!

Let’s face it – bigger properties can be hard work. Not everyone wants to spend their life maintaining a larger property or garden. Just think of what you could do with the time it takes to clean and maintain that great big house. Golf-course here you come!

New tax breaks

In the 2017-18 Federal Budget, the Government announced plans to encourage older property owners to downsize. This is intended to help free up larger homes for younger, growing families. From July 2018, retirees may be able to inject up to $300,000 into superannuation if they sell their home after they reach the age of 65. The existing voluntary contribution rules for people aged 65 and older (work test for 65-74 year olds, no contributions for those aged 75 and over) and restrictions on non-concessional contributions for people with balances above $1.6 million do not apply to contributions made under the new downsizing cap.

To qualify, you must have owned your property for 10 years. What’s great about this new initiative is that both members of a couple can take advantage of the measure for the same home – that means as much as $600,000 per couple can be put into super! However, keep in mind that the proceeds contributed to superannuation will be included in the assets test for the age pension. For more details ask your tax accountant – if you don’t have one, ask us for a referral, we’ll be happy to help.

While it’s tempting to hold onto the family home because of the sentimental value, the reality is that it may be holding you back from a better lifestyle and a more comfortable financial situation.

Downsizing could allow you to find a home that’s more appropriate to your lifestyle, while also freeing up time and money to use elsewhere. If you’re looking to purchase your next home and would like to explore your home loan options, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! We would love to find you a competitive home loan that works to your advantage.

If your home or investment loan hasn’t been reviewed for a few years, now is the perfect time to request a home loan health check to ensure your longer term financial goals are on track. For an honest and unbiased opinion, talk to Think and Grow Finance today on 03 8390 5855 or email